
We met during college in Seattle in 2009, and were married in the summer of 2011. We have lived in 3 states, 7 cities, and moved over 12 times! Throughout our life together, we have seen God provide in incredible ways, especially through the gift of his church. We are so thankful for the ways that he has provided for us, especially as we consider the road ahead.

Over the years, God slowly and deliberately directed us towards a future in pastoral work. Our love for missions and for cross-cultural ministry has given us a heart for the lost overseas, and God has continually opened up doors for us to continue this pursuit.

In the Spring of 2020, we completed 5 years of training at The Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, California. During these years, Michael worked at Grace Community Church, which hosts the seminary. In the summer of 2020, we relocated to Spokane, WA, in order to reconnect with our sending church, get time with family, and pursue a move overseas in earnest.

It is our prayer that we will be able to move to London in during the Spring months of 2021. Visit the “Ministry” page on our site to find out where we hope to go, and why we think that God may be calling us there!

Our Boys


Elliott (6) is just finishing kindergarten. He loves bugs, super heroes, Star Wars, and Lego.


Arlo (2) likes to wrestle, kiss his baby brother, and run as fast he can.


Henry (0) is our newest boy and is settling into our noisy household. He likes to eat and sleep.